Midwifery Care

Home Birth Care & Midwifery Services

Thinking of Home Birth?

You’ve already arrived at the decision for something special. Your Birth Story could begin right here…

Prenatal Care

Prenatal Care

Attending regular prenatal care visits keep you and baby healthy and thriving! They also serve as an important point of connection (i.e., we get to know each other ahead of baby’s birthday.) Our prenatal care visits are highly individualized to your person, full of education and preparation for the journey ahead. At each visit, we will assess both yours and baby’s vitals, measure the belly, and discuss your needs at length. Lab work and ultrasound referrals will be given when indicated. We follow the typical schedule seen below:

0-28 Weeks of Pregnancy:

Visit once a month

28-36 Weeks of Pregnancy:

Visit once every 2 weeks

36-40 Weeks of Pregnancy:

Weekly visits

40-42 Weeks of Pregnancy:

Visits twice a week

Please email us if you would like to request a single prenatal care visit from the midwife, such as for pregnancy confirmation, if you are traveling, or considering your options for the pregnancy.

Check your insurance.

Some insurances may cover your birth with a midwife. Please send us information about your plan.